When you run a small business, you’re acutely aware of how much harder you must work to compete in the same marketplace as large corporations. Running paid ads can drive traffic to your site, help you reach a wider audience, and increase engagement on your website and social media platforms....
Four Reasons Your Business Should Use Social Media Ads
Social media ads are an inexpensive way to create brand awareness, reach your target demographic, and grow your following. Combining organic marketing with paid social media ads can significantly increase your reach and direct more traffic to your website. Here’s a look at four reasons your business should start using...
Making the Most of Facebook Ads
As Facebook grows and expands, it offers more and more to businesses who want to increase engagement, drive traffic, and grow their audience. Using a layered marketing strategy that includes paid Facebook ads will get your message in front of the right audience at the right time. A marketing team...
Tips for Scaling Up Your Facebook Ad Budget
If you’re already using Facebook advertising, you know just how effective it can be for focusing in on your target audience and ramping up sales for your business. You may also be at a point where you’re ready to increase your Facebook ad budget to further your reach and continue...
Facebook Ad Targeting: What You Need to Know
Facebook is a platform with more than a billion daily users, so it’s the perfect place to get the word out about your business with Facebook ads. However, you don’t want to target every user on Facebook—you only want to pay for exposure to those audience members who are most...