An informative, clear, and easy to use website is the foundation for every company’s successful online marketing strategy. Without a functional website, your company will look inexperienced and untrustworthy, and you run the risk that potential customers will turn to your competitors instead. In addition to being easy to find, easy to navigate, and updated regularly, every website should also maintain its core web vitals to improve the site’s ranking in search engine results. Here are some key tips you can use as a starting point for improving your customers’ user experience across your site:
Improve Clarity and Simplicity
The best websites are clear and simple. A user shouldn’t need to click in five places to find vital information like how to contact someone, what products or services you offer, where you’re located, or what your hours are. You can dramatically improve user experience just by updating your home page regularly, so it contains relevant, precise information and links.
Regularly Test Links and Images
You should also regularly test the links and images throughout your site. Customers will have poor user experiences if images won’t load, and links are broken. They will quickly grow impatient and navigate over to a competitor’s site.
Update Info Frequently
Frequently updating your site’s information not only improves user experience, but also improves your site’s rankings in Google searches. Sites that are regularly updated are seen as more relevant and trustworthy to Google’s algorithms.
Focus on Core Web Vitals
Core web vitals are Google’s metric for measuring user experience on a website. They measure loading speed of the site and customer interaction to determine how good (or bad) the site’s user experience is. If your site measures low, your Google search ranking will be low as well. Core web vitals can be found in the “enhancements” section of your Google Search Console account.
Giving the User a Clear Call to Action
Business websites should always use clear calls to action throughout, so that customers immediately know what to do as soon as they reach each page. Examples of clear calls to action are statements like, “call us now for more information,” “schedule an appointment here,” and “fill out our contact form to learn more.” These calls to action inspire confidence in the user, letting them know that taking the first step with your company is quick, easy, and painless.
Contact Us Today for Assistance Improving Your Site’s User Experience
If you’ve read through these tips and feel like you need help managing and improving your site’s user experience in Grand Rapids, contact us today at Leverage Marketing. We have years of experience in website design and optimization, and can quickly identify areas on your site that need attention and improvement. Just contact us today at (616) 377-4392 to learn more or schedule a free strategy session.