How Do Boomerang Ads Work on Facebook?

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Different ads for your business should speak to different audiences. For example, you may run ads that specifically target individuals who have interacted with your business’s website or Facebook page already but have not yet made a purchase. Boomerang ads allow you to do just that.

Understanding Boomerang Ads

Boomerang ads are retargeting ads that are shown to individuals who have interacted with your brand before. Therefore, you can skip the formal introduction with general info about your business and get right to the heart of what sets you apart. Your ad might focus on qualities that distinguish you from competitors, sales and promotions you’re currently running, or a single product or service customers might be looking for.

How to Capture the Right Audience for Your Boomerang Ad

So, how do you narrow down an audience that is already familiar with your business? It’s simple with the Meta Pixel. This is a piece of code that is added to your website to allow you to track user actions and make sure that your ads on Meta’s social media sites capture the right message and are seen by the right audience. It also lets you gauge ad performance, so you can continually improve your Facebook ad campaigns.

How Boomerang Ads Can Grow Your Business

Boomerang ads may be featured on Facebook, Instagram, or both. By retargeting those already familiar with your brand, you are creating a chance to make a second (or third) impression that pushes potential customers or one-time customers over the edge to become brand loyalists. Plus, if your ad is funny, unique, or cute, users may even be tempted to share it with their friends and family, increasing your reach even further.

At Leverage Marketing, we offer comprehensive digital marketing strategies to local businesses, and we can help you create all kinds of Facebook Ads in Grand Rapids, MI. We are committed to helping smaller local businesses succeed in the online marketplace and can develop an online marketing strategy that works for your needs and budget. Contact us today at (616) 377-4392 to learn more or schedule a free strategy session.